Living in Jakarta

Here you can find some links to posts with useful information for living in Jakarta.  In my experience, finding your go to places and people make the transition from house to home come more naturally.  I will keep updating this page regularly and hope you find it helpful. Email me if you have any questions:

Associations and Community Groups

Community is so important when we are abroad. Finding people that share things in common is not always easy, and it always makes a huge difference in the quality of life. I’ve realized that in order to connect an effort must be made but it’s so worth it. Here you will find the associations we belong to and the Church activities take part of.


Keeping busy keeps me happy. I like learning new things and although I don’t always stick to them, you never know when they will come in handy. Here’s some of the classes I’ve enjoyed taking in Jakarta. I’m always looking for something new to learn so you will surely find this link being constantly updated.

Food Finds

It’s not always easy finding our favorite food when living abroad so when I do I get really excited and want to tell everybody about it. Here you will find links to our favorite restaurants, grocery stores and random shops we’ve stumbled upon in Jakarta.

For the Home

Making a home out of a house is not always easy but it is vital to settling in. Here are some of the people and places I’ve found useful for decorating and fixing up our apartment.

Jakarta for Kids 

As you can probably tell, my life revolves around my kids and their activities. I have been so blessed to find places, classes and activities for them to have fun, develop integrally and thrive in our transient environment.

Shopping and Entertainment

Taking a break from the daily routine is always nice. Here are links to some of our favorite shopping centers and places we visit just for fun.

Short Getaways

Leaving the hustle and bustle of Jakarta is always refreshing and even better if it can be done within 2 or 3 hours. Taking a break from the Big Durian whether for a day trip or a weekend trip will keep you sane and appreciative of all Indonesia has to offer.

Tourist Sites

You know you want to see them. You know your visitors want to see them so go ahead and play tourist in your own Home Town. Here are a few sights worth visiting in Jakarta. I hope to keep exploring this city and finding new spots worth being seen.

2 thoughts on “Living in Jakarta

  1. Pingback: {JakartaForKids} Penguin Encounter @ Taman Safari | Stumble Abroad

  2. Pingback: Moving to Jakarta: 10 Things I Should Have Packed The Travel Lush

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